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----------->SELECT tInventoryWebData.InventoryID, tInventoryWebData.WebFeaturedItem, tInventoryWebData.DisplayOnWebSite, tInventoryWebCategories.CategoryID As WebCategoryID, tInventoryWebData.IncRRP, tInventory.Warranty, tInventoryWebData.CompanyID, tInventory.Condition, tInventory.ItemTitle, tInventory.DescriptionHTML, tInventory.DescriptionText, tInventory.Weight, tInventory.QtyInStock, tInventory.MinimumOrderQty, tInventory.BarcodeID, tInventory.AlwaysInStock, ISNULL(C.RRP, 0) AS RRP, tInventory.OutOfStockQTYRetail, ISNULL(A.QtyFrom, 0) AS MinQTY, ISNULL(B.QtyTo, 0) AS MaxQTY, ISNULL(AA.Price,0) AS MinPrice, tInventoryWebData.PostageCostMethodDom, tInventoryWebData.PostageCostMethodInt, tInventoryWebData.ApplyFPRange, tInventoryWebData.ApplyWSFPRange, tInventoryWebData.WebTitle, tInventoryWebData.DisableCheckout, ISNULL(AA.VariationKeyID, '{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}') AS VariationID, tInventoryWebData.URLKey FROM tInventoryWebData INNER JOIN tInventory ON tInventoryWebData.InventoryID = tInventory.InventoryID AND tInventoryWebData.CompanyID = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003' INNER JOIN tInventoryWebCategories on tInventoryWebData.InventoryID = tInventoryWebCategories.InventoryID AND tInventoryWebCategories.IsDefaultWebCategory = 1 AND tInventoryWebCategories.CompanyID = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003' LEFT JOIN tInventoryWebPrices A ON A.PriceID = ( SELECT Top 1 PriceID FROM tInventoryWebPrices WHERE tInventoryWebPrices.InventoryID = tInventoryWebData.InventoryID AND tInventoryWebPrices.CompanyID = tInventoryWebData.CompanyID AND tInventoryWebPrices.IsWholesale = 0 ORDER BY QtyFrom ASC ) LEFT JOIN tInventoryWebPrices B ON B.PriceID = ( SELECT Top 1 PriceID FROM tInventoryWebPrices WHERE tInventoryWebPrices.InventoryID = tInventoryWebData.InventoryID AND tInventoryWebPrices.CompanyID = tInventoryWebData.CompanyID AND tInventoryWebPrices.IsWholesale = 0 ORDER BY QtyTo DESC ) LEFT JOIN tInventoryWebPriceVariations AA ON A.InventoryID = AA.InventoryID AND A.PriceID = AA.PriceID AND AA.VariationKeyID = (Select Top 1 VariationKeyID from tInventoryWebPriceVariations where InventoryID = A.InventoryID ORDER BY price ASC) LEFT JOIN tInventoryWebPriceVariations BB ON B.InventoryID = BB.InventoryID AND B.PriceID = BB.PriceID AND BB.VariationKeyID = (Select Top 1 VariationKeyID from tInventoryWebPriceVariations where InventoryID = B.InventoryID ORDER BY price ASC) LEFT JOIN tInventory C on C.InventoryID = AA.VariationKeyID WHERE tInventoryWebData.InventoryID IN (SELECT RelationID FROM tInventoryRelatedProducts WHERE RelationTypeID = '{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001}' AND InventoryID = '{1D5FFD13-A84D-4E4F-B911-FB542D35B8E7}') AND tInventoryWebData.DisplayOnWebSite = 1 ORDER BY WebTitle<------------